Category Archives: book promotions

March guest authors

I am pleased to announce the March guest lineup that features a variety of genres and authors. If you would like to be a sponsor or a guest author, comment below or email Emma. I am now scheduling May and June.


 Listen in for a chance to win a signed copy in the podcast book giveaway. and on, major podcasting apps

March Schedule 2023

Matt Lubbers-Moore, ReQueered Tales, March 10

GR Expo special March 14

Betty Passick, The Black Bag of Dr. Wiltse, Murder on the Prairie, March 17

Lori Hudson, Ghost on Beale Street, March 24

Preethi Saravanakumar,  March 31

Sponsored by Doc Chavent and The Lowell Ledger

Copyright (c) 2023. Emma Blogs, LLC. All rights reserved.

September authors

Welcome fall, and back to school and normal schedules. I am happy to announce the following guest authors on For the Love of Books Podcast show with host author Emma Palova. The podcast goes live weekly on Fridays on

Email Emma or comment below if you would like to be a guest and or a sponsor of an episode or the show.

They are Sharon Kennedy with The SideRoad Kids, Sept. 2

Gladys Fletcher, My Garden of Stones, Sept. 9

Mark Love, The Wayward Path, Sept. 16

Franklin Wilson, Sept. 23

Chad Bishop, Intergalactic Exterminators, Inc., Sept. 30

Sponsored by Doc Chavent, The Lowell Ledger, Modern History Press

Copyright (c) 2022. Emma Blogs, LLC. All rights reserved.

The future of Indie Publishing

The authors and their books.

By Emma Palova

Listen in to the podcast “For the love of books,” download and share the episodes. The insights from the Indie authors are incredible, beyond trade journals.

Each author represents a unique individuality in what some call “a mass book production market.” There may be one million ISBNs issued annually, but each book and author are distinctively different in how they approach the writing business and writing itself.

It’s like there is a piece of the author in each one of his or her books; it may be in the character, in the setting, in the plot or in the point of view. POV.

One of my favorite questions is: “Where do you see the future of Indie publishing?”

The overall response is that it will continue to grow.

“We have physical books, ebooks, audiobooks, virtual book events. Maybe virtual reality books are next?”

Ingar Rudholm

“And how will the Indie authors be remembered?”

“We’re the trailblazers.”

Joan H. Young

Podcast interviews this week

Coming up in this week’s podcasts are authors Marianne Wieland, A. Kidd and Colleen Nye. They are pictured in the gallery above.

Nye is an author with multiple pen names and an overactive imagination.

A. Kidd calls herself a kid at heart with a youthful exuberance, A. Kidd writes books for children full of magic and wonder in the hopes that they will have the courage to live their own stories and possibly even be inspired to write stories of their own.  

Wieland is the author of 10 books.

Nothing is ever as it seems on the surface. Expect the unexpected. Is it real, fiction or a combination? You decide. Go ahead. I dare you!

I just had my 10th book released a few days ago.

Marianne Wieland

Follow the podcast on:

Copyright (c)2021. Emma Blogs, LLC. All rights reserved.

Check the Indie author line up “For the love of books” podcast

Listen in on Wednesdays on you favorite podcasting app.

Following are the Indie and small press authors coming up: Darla Jean Davis, Andrew Smith, Randy Pearson, Joan Young, Ingar Rudholm, Marianne Wieland, Colleen Nye, Gene Wilburn, Angela Verges, Donald Levin, Juli Sisung, Valeriu dg Barbu, Scott Rutherford, Deborah D.A. Reed and many more.

Two authors coming up on March 31 and April 8 are Darla Jean Davis and Andrew Allen Smith.

Sign up below and check the Facebook podcast event page at

Podcast sign up form

Copyright (c) 2021 Emma Blogs, LLC. All rights reserved.

For the love of books

Happy St. Pat’s Day

By Emma Palova

Lowell, MI – Check out the first episode of “For the love of books” podcast with Indie author and advocate Diana Plopa. Plopa is a prolific author who has penned nine books in nine different genres; currently she’s working on four more genres. And she doesn’t get them mixed up.

She is a staunch supporter of other Indie authors, and her main goal as the founder of Pages Promotions, LLC is to connect readers with authors in a changed world following COVID-19.

Our next featured guest will be Canadian author Luba Lesychyn. Submit your questions for Luba via the comment section or the Facebook messenger.

If you would like to be on the podcast show as a featured guest contact me in the comment section or on the Facebook messenger. If you would like to be a sponsor of the podcast show, email Emma at

You will support a brave group of pioneer authors who are navigating the sometimes treacherous waters of self-publishing with small marketing budgets for their books. They share a special camaraderie through their common venture of getting their word out.

Your business/organization will get exposure on all the podcasting platforms and on YouTube.

Here are the links to both the video and the podcast:

For the love of books podcast video.
The podcast.

About the featured photo: A masked moose in an Irish community in Cannonsburg, Michigan. BTW, the Honey Creek Inn served up an excellent Irish stew made from lamb on Tuesday.

Copyright (c) 2021. Emma Blogs, LLC. All rights reserved.

For the Love of Books Podcast

I decided to venture into podcasting after being intervied by podcast hosts in the fall when my new book “Greenwich Meridian Memoir” came out. Podcasts are fun and the insights gained from authors are enriching much like their books.

I’ve met so many cool authors on my book gigs and the camaraderie is truly amazing. Forget about competition between Indie authors. We help promote each other as much as we can. Some authors feature other authors on their blogs and in the pre-covid era they helped organize authors’ events. We bond well together and buy each others books.

We’ve just finished the Winter Virtual Book Festival which was a blast hosted by author Diana Plopa and a Summer Virtual Book Festival will happen in June.

The goal is to promote each other’s work, as well as our own. As any author can tell you, the hardest part of the publishing process is marketing of the books due to the enourmous quantity of everything on the market.

Self-publishing has become somewhat easier even though I can’t say it’s easy. On my author’s gigs, people ask me all sorts of questions; from how long does it take to write a book to editing.

A fun question is about the book covers. The best answer is to hire a graphic artist whose work you know. I did the covers to my first two books by myself. The second cover to “Secrets”stirred some commotion as it is an optical illussion and people saw different things in it. The title of the photo is “The Face of Gossip.” So you can imagine the reaction.

The purpose of this podcast it to introduce the authors and their work with a little twist about their life. People do ask questions about our lives. None of us has struck a pot of gold, at least not yet. Many authors hold full-time jobs, and write at night.

I am a morning writer, so I must write in the morning. How did I fit in writing when I was a full-time reporter? Not so great, but I still wrote before work.

The other thing the public wants to is how often do I write? Everyday except for weekends and sometimes on Saturdays.

What do I enjoy the most about writing is the escape from reality. So come and join us.

Copyright (c) 2021. Emma Blogs, LLC.

Winter BookFest rolls into Final Week

“I want to dance always, to be good and not evil, and when it is all over not to have the feeling that I might have done better.”

                                                -Ruth St. Denis

Dancing into the fourth week of the Winter Virtual Book Festival, I hear thawing snow drops falling from our gutters and making holes in the white cupola on the balcony. The sun flooded my Covid Sanctuary with golden rays. Most importantly I heard birds chirping in the pergola this morning.

Last night the festival participants marvelled at the readings of childrens’ book authors Carol Trembath, Jordan Scavone and MT Falgoust.

Children’s authors at the Winter Virtual Book Festival.

Leave behind your old misconceptions, that children’s books are for kids only. I’ve personally devoured the Indie authors presentations with illustrations like I would have a pepperoni pizza with tons of cheese.

Trembath and Scavone tackled serious subjects like Covid and grief. In her “Fairies and the Global Tree to the Rescue,” Trembath depicts scared fairies seeking help from the Global Tree. The fairies are told to wear a mask and wash their hands and “pixie wings” to stay safe from the “Fairy Flu.” The illustrations were so surreal, that the Global Tree even scared me.

In Scavone’s “Might-E Emilia”, Emilia searches for her inner superhero in the wake of her grandfather Abuelo’s death. Can she find the superhero?

MT Falgoust presented a tasty count down for young readers in “Ten little Crawfish” including a stop for a Mardi Gras parade.

In case you missed it, visit the festival PopUp Book Shop at and get your signed book.

I’ve learned so much in the festival workshops about social media marketing for authors presented earlier in the month. Last week, historical fiction authors JuliAnne Sisung and Xander Cross unraveled for us mysteries in histories such as: “Why does history repeat itself?” and that YouTube can be used for primary history research. Hm, who would have thought.

There’s still much more coming this final week as the snowbanks on our gravel road continue to melt. Tonight I will immerse myself with more historical fiction writers who are still undercover until they appear in the Zoom room. However, we will not know which book they are reading from; thus the festival theme “Blind Date with a Book.”

Last but definitely not the least of the festival workshops is “Building Suspense” by author Andrew Smith who will be giving away his “Slice of Fear” to workshop participants. Smith has also served as a backstage hand to the festival organizer Diana Plopa along with author Kate McNeal.

Don’t miss non-fiction readings on Thursday and science fiction this coming Saturday.

Stay tuned for the details on replays, the PopUp Book Shop and the Festival Wrap Up Party on Sunday.


Copyright (c) 2021. Emma Blogs, LLC. All rights reserved.

Virtual Festival souvenirs

The “Blind Date with a Book ” virtual book festival dances into its third week in February as the freezing temperatures plunge below normal and another weather advisory awaits us tonight..

Over the weekend, childrens’ authors read from their books last Saturday followed by the spinning “Wheel of Happiness” for the lucky ones who won some prizes. To soothe the disappointment of those who didn’t win, there is good news; the wheel will spin again tonight with Young Adult genre authors.

You can connect with all the Indie Authors via the festival PopUp Book Shop by clicking on the link below:

However, if you have purchased an Indie Author book from a different sources, it is probably not signed. Check out the shop to request a limited commemorative book plate signed by the author.

“It’s a nice souvenir from the festival,” said organizer Diana Plopa.

For a complete schedule of events go to:

There are more workshops coming up as well. #ppvirtualbookfestival

And I got wind of another wacky wild festival coming up this summer. Watch for more info.

Copyright (c) 2021. Emma Blogs, LLC. All rights reserved.

Blind Date with a Book

Moving right along through February, the Winter Virtual Book Festival organized by Pages Promotions, LLC has covered genres from action and adventure to inspirational fiction, with non-fiction, poetry, short stories and memoir, in between. We’re in for a night of mystery on a freezing Monday evening.

Indie authors read from their books while readers match up the right book with its author for bragging rights on Facebook. Then Diana Plopa spins the “Wheel of Happiness” for great prizes donated by the authors.

You have to be present in the Zoom room to win. If you happen to find a gold, silver or bronze ticket in your book, you’re in for more prizes such as Kindle Fire without ads and more books and swag.

Speed dating

PopUp Book Shop

Visit our PopUp Book Shop during the festival at:

Excerpt from “Greenwich Meridian Memoir”

Here is an excerpt of what I read on Friday evening from my new book “Greenwich Meridian Memoir”, chapter “The Haves and The Have Nots.” This reading was five minutes.

Everyone had the right to work. There was no such thing as unemployment. If you were unemployed for more than six weeks, you went to jail. Since the economy was regulated and planned, there was always work, whatever work and any work at any given time. However, if you wanted a good job, you needed connections or my mom’s long arm.

That was balanced out by having to stand in long lines for basic items such as toilet paper and laundry detergent. However, college education was free, along with healthcare for all and free daycare. 

Travel was a different ball game based on your profile.  We each had a profile ever since we were old enough to join the Socialist Youth Union at the age of 14. The profile also contained information about your parents. Then volunteer hours on socialist projects were added to the profile. At 18, you were expected to become a member of the Czechoslovak Communist Party and get your red membership card. Soon the profile info started to add up in your favor or against you. 

Certain things were unacceptable like if your family was a member of the bourgeoisie, royalty or if they owned land, you would definitely go nowhere. Based on the bizarre profile criteria, if they were good, you could go to Yugoslavia or maybe somewhere west, if you got the exit visa. 

If your profile was bad like mine, because we left the country illegally for the USA, you sat at home. The profile thing continues to puzzle me to this day. 

Like in Hitler’s Germany nothing was ever forgotten or forgiven. That was in an era before computers. The whole socialist machinery was like a self-fulfilling prophecy. You always got what you didn’t wish for, but somebody else wanted it for you. 

“Oh, we just wanted the best for you,” a voice would say. 

“How do you know what’s best for me?” I asked. 

“Socialism never sleeps,” the voice would persist. “We know what’s best for the country. Look at all the improvements in the last 40 years.” 

Banners hung on buildings proclaiming the “Building Successes of Socialism” and the bright future for the socialist youth like me. 

Bringing up properly the communist youth was very important to the regime, which feared intellectuals. On the other hand, the system put the working class known as proletariat on a pedestal. The most famous slogan was: “Proletariat of all countries, unite.” I think it was a Lenin quote.

Interestingly enough, some five decades later Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg achieved the same goal without the communist or socialist propaganda of uniting.  Four billion people now volunteer their information on the Facebook social media platform. I don’t think the communists realized that you cannot force unity or freedom. Just like you cannot force or enforce peace. 

Yet, thousands in Czech Republic now still yearn for the old socialist regime that provided certainties such as: shelter, food, water, jobs and the sun in the morning, and the moon at night. 

The communists even claimed they could command the rain and the wind. I know they couldn’t, but the fact they claimed that showed their infinite arrogance deeply rooted in the propaganda. 

But there were also true communists like our late neighbor. And I will change his name for all purposes. Let’s call him Mr. Rudi Vlk. Rudi, in his early 40s, went through political school while working. He never missed a communist party meeting. Rudi lived the party philosophy. He studied the Marxist-Leninist traditions and its pillars. He never cheated, lied or stole. But, in the process of it all, he got ulcers. 

Needless to say, that honest communist Rudi was in the minority. Most people who joined the party had an ulterior motive. This labeled them as career communists like my second removed Uncle Henry. 

There were other career communists in the female ranks as well. Many teachers became communists to protect their teaching jobs. Although communists did not like the intelligence class, they were fond of socialist education free of any religious influence. All religious schools shut down, along with the confiscation of the church estates. 

To climb up on the company ladder, you had to be a member of the communist party. There were no discussions about that. Uncle Henry went through the same process as Rudi, only he lied, cheated and stole for the benefit of the party and his own. 

The two breeds of communists hated each other, even though they often sat at the same tables, and in the same meetings. Aunt Anna’s favorite joke went along the following lines. A man and a woman have a discussion in a coffee shop. 

“I know you,” says the man. 

“Oh, yes? How?” asks the lady. 

 “We slept together,” the man answers. 

“Excuse me, sir,” she turns red. 

“Yes, in the same meeting last week in the boardroom,” the man laughs. 

Register for tonight’s readings: Mystery

Pictured in the Zoom screenshot are authors: Diana Plopa, Emma Palova, Donny Winter, Jared Morningstar, Kate Mc Neal and Andrew Smith.

Copyright (c) 2021. Emma Blogs, LLC. All rights reserved.